Our front yard through the seasons

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


For those who are dealing with floods, here is the opposite. It has rained (more than a trace) just two times in June, zero in July and once in August. In July the average high was over 103 and in August it was over 105. On the plus side, I have not had to mow my lawn since June and in these pictures you can see why. Now the leaves on the trees are starting to die.

My son putting his hand in a crack in our yard. We have clay soil here so this is what happens when it gets real dry.
Some of the cracks are big enough to swallow your foot if you are not watching your step.
My poor grass and trees are showing the effect.
It looks like fall came early with everything dying.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Kaboomtown Air Show

Pictures from Kaboomtown airshow and fireworks in Addison, Texas July 3rd, 2011. I got a lot of pictures so look for more posts coming up.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Recent pictures

I took a picture of this egret and a fish jumped out of the water. I thought this was so cool, the fish is in a water bubble coming up out of the water, see him?

Gnats! I told Cady I got some pictures of fairies but she did not buy it.

Lightning! This is the severe storm from 5/24/11 rolling in. It produced tornadoes and hail nearby. We lost our power for 6 hours that night.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pictures with my 50mm F1.4 prime lens

Some sample shots taken with my 50mm F1.4 prime lens.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Red Sun Red Moon

No I did not adjust the colors and that is not Mars up top, it is the sun. Below it is a red moon. There are some large wildfires west of us and it turns the sun red as it starts to set. These shots were taken a day apart from my house.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It's bluebonnet time in Texas. These pictures were taken with my new Canon 600D.