Our front yard through the seasons

Monday, April 27, 2009

Ice Ice Baby

Well we did not get much snow this winter but had about five ice storms. Here is a collage of pictures taken after various storms this past winter.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Flight of the bumblebee

I found a bunch of bumblebees flying around my backyard and was able to get some nice shots of them. Enjoy the flight of the bumblebees.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ace of Cakes

I know you are thinking that there is already a TV show called "the ace of cakes" but let me present you the real ace of cakes. My wife Amy has had the nickname of Ace since she was a little girl. She is very talented as you can see from the pictures of cakes she has made over the past few years. Which one is your favorite?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Lake Lavon

There is a saying in Texas that if you don't like the weather, wait a minute and it will change. This picture collage shows a boat ramp on Lake Lavon at different times. During 2006 we were having a bad drought. The picture taken in August of 2006 shows a boat ramp with no water anywhere near it. By May 5th of 2007 the lake was back at a normal level after a lot of rain. By the end of May the lake was many feet above normal and by the end of June the water was right at the top of the boat ramp.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Eggs

We just finished coloring Easter eggs. These eggs will be used for "pocking" on Sunday and that is why some have words of encouragement on them. If you don't know what pocking is, ask me and I will explain. It is always a lot of fun.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Red Moon

When I took the dogs out tonight, I saw this red moon up above. I got my camera and snapped a few pictures to share with everyone. About ten minutes after taking this picture, the red was gone. The color was not adjusted on this pic.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Texas Bluebonnets

What makes Texas special in the spring are the bluebonnets. We went to a park near our house to take some pictures with the bluebonnets. I was happy with the pictures I was able to take. Amy and I both took pictures of the kids. If you want to see more of the family photos, make your way over to Amy's blog which is linked in the upper left.

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Iris in bloom

Here is an Iris in bloom from our front yard. A little Photoshop work and the colors of the Iris really stand out.